Change Is Good

Change is good. This is something I need to remind myself occasionally. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Change in crucial for us to grow and become stronger people.


Change is also scary as hell. It makes for sleepless nights, lost appetites, and an all-the-time crushing weight of anxiety on your chest. Trust me, I know. My life has changed a lot in the last year, in the last three months even.

In less than a month I will complete my college career and graduate. I will have to apply to jobs, try to make enough money to find a decent place to live eventually, and hopefully enjoy what I’m doing.

Did I mention I’m only nineteen years old? Yeah. I spent so much of my childhood wishing I was older, and now that older has come, all I want to do is hop in a time machine and go back to about age six.


Don’t get me wrong, I am looking forward to this next chapter of my life. Renting my first apartment, getting to decorate it and live on my own, starting my first job in my field, and so many other amazing experiences I know are to come.


Another thing: I’m publishing a book. Maybe you’ve heard? It’s all I talk about, really. Twisted Fate will be my debut novel and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it. I’ve been working on this story for almost a year now; I started planning it in April 2016 and drafting it during NaNoWriMo back in November. Currently, I am in the beta process, loving the feedback I’m getting from my awesome readers. They seriously rock. I want to hug them all.

I have also booked a cover designer and look forward to working with her later this month!


I’m making great progress in the publishing journey, but I know I still have a lot of work ahead of me. I haven’t set a release date yet because honestly, I’m not totally sure how much longer getting Twisted Fate ready will take. Not to worry, the moment I know, you’ll know.

In related news, I’ve been working on the book blurb for Twisted Fate for days now and I think I’ve finally got it to a decent place thanks to my epic critique partner and writing friends. Honestly, the blurb was harder to write than the ENTIRE BOOK. Damn.


So much work has gone into this book and there is a lot to be done, but I hope you’ll all love reading it as much as I loved writing it.

Needless to say, my life just got a whole lost busier. I’m thrilled about this, but it means I need to make some changes.

I created this blog to connect with other readers and share my love of books. I still want to do this, however, I’m going to go about it in a different way. As you might know, I tend to cross-post reviews, cover reveals, etc. to my other social media pages. I also take part in as many book tours as I can because I love nothing more than supporting authors I love by helping get their work out there into the hands of people who will love it.


As I work towards publication, I will be using that time as a transitional period from book blogger to author. I am giving up my official title for a new one. This is not to say you will never read another book review from me, because you will. I love reading too much to stop talking about books. However, this blog won’t be active anymore. All book posts will be up on the blog page on my author website (which is still a work in progress itself).


Don’t panic. If you still want to see my book reviews, feel free to follow me on Twitter and Goodreads, where I will post spoiler-free reviews after each book I read. You can also follow me on Instagram, where I will post cover reveals and such for the authors I love to support!

I hope this change doesn’t disappoint anyone and that you’ll follow me along on this new journey as I publish my first novel. I can’t wait for everyone to read Twisted Fate, so stay tuned to all of my social pages for news, updates, and epic teasers!

Lastly, I’d like to thank everyone for your support. Without it I wouldn’t be where I am right now. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Blog Tour: Write Naked by Jennifer Probst

Learn how to transform your passion for writing into a career. New York Times best-selling author Jennifer Probst reveals her pathway to success, from struggling as a new writer to signing a seven-figure deal. Write Naked intermingles personal essays on craft with down-to-earth advice on writing romance in the digital age. Probst will teach you how to:
  • Commit to your current work-in-progress, get focused, and complete it on schedule
  • Reveal raw emotions and thoughts on the page to hook your readers
  • Assemble a street team to promote and celebrate your books
  • Overcome writer’s block with ease
  • Develop themes that tie together your books and series
  • Write the most difficult elements of romance–including sex scenes–with skill and style
Regardless of the genre, every novelist faces a difficult task. Creating authentic characters and an engaging plot are challenging enough. But attempting to break into the hotter-than-ever romance genre, which is constantly flooded with new titles and fresh faces? It can feel impossible. This is where Probst’s Write Naked comes in. To survive–and thrive–you need the help and wisdom of an expert.

Written in Probst’s unmistakable and honest voice, Write Naked is filled with the lessons and craft advice every writer needs in order to carve out a rewarding career.





Jennifer Probst wrote her first book at twelve years old. She bound it in a folder, read it to her classmates, and hasn’t stopped writing since. She took a short hiatus to get married, get pregnant, buy a house, get pregnant again, pursue a master’s in English Literature, and rescue two shelter dogs. Now she is writing again.

She makes her home in Upstate New York with the whole crew. Her sons keep her active, stressed, joyous, and sad her house will never be truly clean.
She is the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance. She was thrilled her book, The Marriage Bargain, was ranked #6 on Amazon’s Best Books for 2012. She loves hearing from readers. Visit her website for updates on new releases and her street team at



Review Blitz: Royally Matched by Emma Chase


royally-matched-for-webSome men are born responsible, some men have responsibility thrust upon them. Henry Charles Albert Edgar Pembrook, Prince of Wessco, just got the motherlode of all responsibility dumped in his regal lap.

He’s not handling it well.

Hoping to force her grandson to rise to the occasion, Queen Lenora goes on a much-needed safari holiday—and when the Queen’s away, the Prince will play. After a chance meeting with an American television producer, Henry finally makes a decision all on his own:

Welcome to Matched: Royal Edition.

A reality TV dating game show featuring twenty of the world’s most beautiful blue bloods gathered in the same castle. Only one will win the diamond tiara, only one will capture the handsome prince’s heart.

While Henry revels in the sexy, raunchy antics of the contestants as they fight, literally,for his affection, it’s the quiet, bespectacled girl in the corner—with the voice of an angel and a body that would tempt a saint—who catches his eye.

The more Henry gets to know Sarah Mirabelle Zinnia Von Titebottum, the more enamored he becomes of her simple beauty, her strength, her kind spirit…and her naughty sense of humor.

But Rome wasn’t built in a day—and irresponsible royals aren’t reformed overnight.

As he endeavors to right his wrongs, old words take on whole new meanings for the dashing Prince. Words like, Duty, Honor and most of all—Love.



I recieved an e-ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This was my first Emma Chase book and I enjoyed it a lot. Royally Matched was a quick, easy read with a satisfying HEA ending, believable characters, and a wildly entertaining story line.

I loved getting to read the story from both Henry and Sarah’s POV’s. It gave insight into both of their lives separately before bringing them together.

Henry’s life right then was all about learning how to be King. He is the heir to the throne and must learn how to act accordingly. It’s all new to him and he’s not sure it’s what he wants. He figures one last wild, month-long party is just what he needs as a send off into the royal life, so he agrees to be a part of Matched, a television show much like The Bachelor where he must choose his future wife after a month of dates and such.

Sarah is an incredibly shy librarian who is essentially forced onto the show so her sister Penny can participate. Hmm, I wonder how that’s going to work into the story. Of course she fell for the Crown Prince. That must was obvious from the synopsis. I didn’t find the romance aspect of the story very original, but I enjoyed the story all the same.

The side characters were pretty interesting, but we didn’t get to know much about them, so they might as well have been left out of the story completely, in my opinion.

The story’s focus was on the two main characters which was fine. I found myself smiling and laughing a lot as the two of them grew closer. Their love story was sweet, light, and most definitely steamy.

When it came close to the end and Henry decided he needed to do something before he became King (no spoilers), I truly thought the story was going to end differently, in more of a tragic way than a HEA. A part of me was a little dissapointed, but I was probably more relieved that everything ended okay. Maybe it was a missed opportunity, or maybe I’m just morbid. Who knows. If you’ve read the book you might know what I’m talking about. I don’t think I was the only one who thought it could have ended differently, but for non-spoiler reasons, I won’t share what I thought was going to happen in this review.

I’m looking forward to the next book in the series. It’s on my TBR for sure!

I gave Royally Matched 4/5 stars. You can add it on Goodreads here.








Emma Chase is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the hot and hilarious Tangled series and The Legal Briefs series. Emma lives in New Jersey with her husband, two children and two naughty (but really cute)dogs. She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.


ARC Review and Author Interview: Cashmere by Temple West



This high-stakes sequel to Velvet proves that when you’re the only human caught in a paranormal war, high school can get a little tricky. With Adrian’s brother trapped in hell,the Praetorian Guard has made Stony Creek their base-of- operations, but Caitlin has a bad feeling they’re more interested in her than in finding Lucian. Caught in a sea of conspiracies and lies, Caitlin and Adrian perform a risky magical procedure in an attempt to protect Caitlin from compulsion.

Relieved that her nightmares have ended, Caitlin is disturbed to find that something even stranger has taken their place.

Determined to get on with her life, even amid a crazy paranormal manhunt, she applies for a competitive summer fashion internship in New York. Searching desperately for answers about what Caitlin might be, how Adrian’s father is involved, and where Lucian has been kidnapped to, Caitlin and Adrian must rely on each other to survive. But when the truth finally comes to light, the consequences are unimaginable.

And the question still haunts them both: even if they survive, how will they deal with the fact that Adrian is immortal and Caitlin is not?


I received an e-ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

If you read and loved Velvet but you were maybe a little upset that it was too short, don’t you worry. Cashmere is so much longer, more intense, and even more romantic. Like, a lot more romantic. It was an amazing sequel, which can be hard to pull off, but Temple killed it. It’s a tough call, but I’m pretty sure I loved this book more than the first one.

Not only did we get a satisfying continuation of Caitlin and Adrian’s story, we were also introduced to so many amazing new characters. Kalare was by far my favourite new addition.

In Cashmere, readers get to see more of the vampire world; it’s rules and politics, and definitely the complications it poses on Caitlin’s life both including and separate from her relationship with Adrian. Of course there is still danger of the two of them being together, but more boundaries are pushed in this book. The stakes are raised exponentially as the characters continue their search for Lucian who went missing at the end of Velvet.

Caitlin’s life is essentially taken over by vampires when the Praetorian Guard comes to town and starts keeping an eye on her every move. They are controlling and everywhere, and basically make it impossible for Cait and Adrian to have any alone time to be cute and in love and that annoyed the crap out of me almost as much as it annoyed Cait herself.

I was super happy that the entire focus of the story wasn’t on the vampires. We got a great look into Caitlin’s future as a fashion designer when she gets a prestigious internship in New York, which puts some literal distance between her and the vamps (for the most part), even though Julian and Kalare (and Sabine…ew) have to accompany her there. I loved learning about the fashion world and Cait’s interest in it. She is extremely talented and passionate about her future career and that is beyond inspiring. I loved that she doesn’t let her human life take a backseat when things get difficult with the vampires. It’s important to her and she’s not willing to sacrifice it. You go, girl!

I have to take a minute to swoon over Julian. Ahh, Julian. I loved him in Velvet and I continued to love him in Cashmere. He has an interesting relationship with Cait in that she doesn’t totally trust him, but she’s kind of forced to in this circumstance and it might work out for the best. Also, it’s impossible not to ship him with Kalare. You’ll see.

There was so much more to learn in this book, about the vampires and their abilities, and especially about our main girl Caitlin. She’s not only growing up and discovering new things in the human world, she is also trying to find her place in the supernatural world as well, which was the perfect opportunity for an epic reveal that will leave readers wanting to know more immediately.

Cashmere had so much going on, but that’s what kept me on my toes and forced me to read the majority of it in one sitting. You get to a point in the story where it’s impossible to stop reading until there are no more pages and you are left sitting there with your mouth wide open.

I am eagerly and impatiently awaiting the third and final book in the trilogy, and I know it won’t disappoint.

Lastly, I have to mention chapter 22. I’m not going to say anything, but if you’ve read it, you know.

I gave Cashmere 5/5 stars. You can add it on Goodreads here.


  1. What was the biggest difference between writing Velvet and writing Cashmere?

When I wrote Velvet, I wrote from the gut. I had no outline, no plan, and no rules. When I wrote Cashmere, I had to follow the characters, setting, and mythology I’d established in the first book. More importantly, I had to logically expand on those elements to create a larger and more complex world. That was far more difficult that I’d anticipated. Writing Cashmere has definitely made me slowly turn into a person who appreciates outlines.

  1. Do you have a favorite type of scene to write?

My favorite scene to write is any where Adrian and Caitlin are alone, talking. There’s just something about the two of them that I love. There’s one scene in particular that I think is the strongest in the entire book, and it’s just the two of them going back and forth about this decision they have to make. That scene is in the final third of the story, but I wrote it before I wrote 90% of the rest of the book.

  1. What is your favorite book and/or who is your favourite author?

It’s a tie between Laini Taylor for her Daughter of Smoke & Bone series and Scott Lynch’s The Lies of Locke Lamora. I adore them both as authors.

  1. If you could give only one piece of advice to an aspiring author, what would it be?

Write every day for the same amount of time. i.e. make it a part of your routine, a habit, and stick with it.

  1. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Various combinations of chocolate, peanut butter, cookie dough, and caramel, depending on my mood.

  1. Why did you choose to self-publish Cashmere?

That’s a very long story, but the short answer is: flexibility. It’s a lot more work, but I also get to have a lot of creative control over everything from the fonts to cover design to the book trailers and quote graphics.

  1. Is there a particular scene or chapter you are most excited for readers to experience?

Absolutely, the one I mentioned before about Adrian and Caitlin. It’s…it’s very nerdy, and slightly saucy, and super awkward and fantastic and I can’t wait to see what people think.

  1. Do you have a writing playlist? If so, can you tell us one song from it?

I actually don’t. I either need really even white noise, or no noise at all. If music is playing, I have to pay attention to it, that’s just how my brain works. Sometimes I can listen to light piano or classical, but even that becomes distracting after a while. That being said, thematically, I love the song I used for the announcement teaser, Million Others by Ian David.

  1. What was the most challenging part of writing Cashmere?

It’s a toss-up between the massive case of writer’s block I had for a year and a half, and the editing process. Both were uniquely painful. I’m still terrified that there’s something I forgot to go back and change.

  1. What are you working on next?

Book 3 of the Velvet Trilogy. And a children’s fantasy novel that I am extremely excited about. Also, a TV pilot.





1 winner will received signed copies of Velvet and Cashmere, International.Temple is supplying the giveaway and her rules are here. Please include the link in your post. Giveaway ends 2/22/17.


temple-west-author-photoTemple West, debut author of the YA paranormal romance Velvet, is as nerdy in real life as she is on the Twitter. Armed with a very shiny English degree, she spent four months in Oxford holed up at the Radcliffe Camera amongst the hush of ancient books and the rich musk of academia. Returning to Los Angeles, she acquired a concurrent degree in film, mostly as an excuse to write essays about The Princess Bride and Hook. She can sew (poorly), drive stick (please fasten your seatbelt), and mostly lift her feet off the ground while stuttering into first gear on a very small motorcycle. She currently lives in Seattle and is the proud mother to a one-year- old laptop and a vintage Remington typewriter.



February 7 — The Book Hookup — Character Interview

February 8 — Literary Dust — Review

February 9 — DanaSquare — Quirky Q&A

February 10 — BookCatPin — Book Excerpt / Quotes

February 11 —   The Book Academy — Video Interview

February 12 — And Then There Were Books — Review

February 13 — Zara’s Scribblings — Excerpt

February 14 — A Page With a View — Interview

February 15 — Crossroads Reviews — Review

February 16 —   Adventures of a  Book Junkie — Interview

February 17 — Bumblebee Books — Spotlight

February 18 — Rants and Raves of a Bibliophile — Book Excerpt / Quotes

February 19 — A Perfection Called Books — Quirky Q&A

February 20 — A Leisure Moment — Quirky Q&A

February 21 — Living Within Fiction — Interview



Welcome to Book Madness 2017, a fun series where BookTubers, Bookstagramers, and Book Bloggers pick their favourite fictional character and make a post about why they’re so awesome! Even more exciting, book lovers everywhere get to vote for their favourite of the characters in each round of the competition and have the chance to win wicked cool prizes along the way!


Anne Jolin’s Hell on Heels Pinterest Board

I chose the main character from Anne Jolin’s Hell on Heels, an amazing indie novel about Charleston Smith, a successful, young businesswoman who despite her deep rooted issues, emerged strong and quickly became one of my favourite female characters ever. Charleston is genuine, courageous, and relatable.

Anne Jolin’s Hell on Heels Pinterest Board


A little bit about Hell on Heels:

I use people. Not in a malicious way, but in the way an addict abuses their substance of choice. People are my vice—men specifically. I crave the emotional high they give me with a unique and reckless disregard for my own well-being—eagerly floating into an unsustainable euphoria, knowing full well that after every high comes an equal, if not more powerful, plummet into a devastating abyss. But like every junkie, I crawl willingly back into the arms of my demons.

Oh, the price we pay to feel loved. We’d all sell our souls to the devil himself for that. Perhaps I have already.

They say that acknowledging that you have a problem is one of the first steps to recovery. Well, in that case, my name is Charleston Smith and I have a fucking problem.

Check out Hell on Heels on Goodreads here!

I chose Charleston for many reasons. She wasn’t one of those main characters who had faux flaws or a perfect life. She was successful, but she worked for and earned every single bit of that success. Her downfalls were raw and honest and real. I loved that about her story.

Anne Jolin’s Hell on Heels Pinterest Board

“But when the shadow of suffering climbs into my soul and each of its brutally sharp talons grips my heart, the wetness never fails to stain my pillow. I guess that’s the funny thing about pain. It has a consistency in the doling out of surprises that makes your knees buckle and your chest ache.”

When it came to the romantic relationships in her life, she didn’t want a serious relationship. After getting burned by a previous boyfriend, she was more interested in her work and personal life. She met a man through work and was casually seeing him when she ran into a former flame-the very one who hurt her and who now wanted her forgiveness. Throw in a high-handed, sexy as hell bodyguard, and you’ve got trouble.

Anne Jolin’s Hell on Heels Pinterest Board

Charleston didn’t know what she wanted, so she had it all. She didn’t tie herself to any of the three men and that was okay. Because of her past, she refused to let the men in her life define her. She defined her. And that made her the strongest, most admirable female character I’ve read.

“Its a difficult thing being queen of the king, and even if you make it to the crown, bet your ass you’ll have to fight dirty day in and day out to stay there.”


—> <—


  • Round 1 of voting opens March 1 and closes March 15 at 11:59pm Central Standard Time
  • You can vote for up to 5 characters each round!

“Let me remind you, great men aren’t always easy to love, and even fewer have the capacity to love you back.”

Don’t forget to share with your book loving friends and cast your votes for round 1 before March 15th!

Cover Reveal: Knight Takes Pawn by Martha Sweeney
















Jagger rules everything. The cities from the elite districts, to the slums, and everything in between are his domain in one of three sovereigns on the planet Jaru. The only law is Jagger Law which can change at any moment. One wrong look or word can get a body part chopped off or have you killed.

Since the beginning of the war, which was almost over three decades ago, the air has had been stale and musty, still smelling of burnt metal. All resources needed to survive are severely limited, causing many Jaruians to pillage one another just to get a single meal for the day.

There are some who wish to end Jagger’s power and they’ve started to infiltrate his organization. Money, amongst other things, are just a farce that Jagger uses to dangle in front of his subjects to keep the population in line and distracted. Those who want to see the end of Jagger’s reign want to take control over the depleting natural resources in order to save the planet and the Jaruian species.

Natalie gets caught up in Jagger’s twisted game of power and control when she’s taken from her sovereign. Against her will, like all women who are caught, Natalie is thrown into the Jaruian sex trade. With her new, unwanted job responsibilities, Natalie takes a stand, willing to die fighting for her life rather than be used. When an opportunity presents itself, is Natalie willing to do whatever it takes to free herself or remain only a pawn?
WARNING: This series contains sensitive material. Reader discretion is advised.


ABOUT THE AUTHOR13453575.jpg

Martha Sweeney is an Amazon Best-Selling author for her Just Breathe trilogy and her writing has just begun.

Martha has been creative since she was little, always drawing, coloring or making crafts. When her adult life kicked in, her creative outlet disappeared until she discover Adobe Creative Suite products. Now, Martha is a self-taught graphic and website designer who had the pleasure of helping her husband, Thomas Sweeney, author of The Harem, with editing and designed all graphic and web materials for the book and its promotions. She lives in sunny California and has recently begun to enjoy reading, unlike in high school or college which has sparked her new creative avenue of writing.


Blog Tour & ARC Review: Body of the Crime by R. Scarlett

Title: Body Of The Crime (Blackest Gold, #2)

Author: R. Scarlett

Genre: Paranormal Romance

Release Date: January 30 , 2017



Never trust a demon.
Never trust your heart.
And never trust the woman who holds it.
In Body of the Crime, a beast craved a beauty and oh, how she ravaged him.

Purchase your copy today!



I was sent an ARC by the author in exchange for an honest review.

I completely devoured this book. I wasn’t sure anything could top the feeling I felt after Vein of Love… until I finished Body of the Crime.

Paranormal romance is probably my absolute favourite genre. Add some wicked secondary characters, non-stop sexual tension, and of course, Tensley Knight, and it’s pretty much as close to perfection as it can get.

Ah, Tensley. He’s the character I love to hate and hate to love. He really struggles in this book (not that he didn’t in the previous, but this was much more severe), which made him incredibly irritable and sometimes even downright mean. This is the Tensley I don’t like, but hey, we all have our issues. It just so happens he has a beast inside of him who wants him to claim the woman he’s starting to love even though he is terrified to. Damn.

As much as he wants her, he wants a normal life for her even more. It wasn’t her fault or even his that they were initially forced together, so he is constantly in this mindset that he isn’t enough for her, which of course isn’t true and something she doesn’t believe for a second.

Molly really stepped up in this book. She fought back and spoke her mind, and I really admired that about her…once she did it. Especially when it came to Tensley, she was very accepting about the way he was treating her so poorly (in my eyes) in the beginning. It wasn’t until she had finally had enough of his bullshit and called him out that I found the story started moving forward.

A lot happened in this book. An overwhelming amount for a reader who sat down and took it all in…in one sitting. I couldn’t put it down if I wanted to, I had to know what happened. Especially as we approached the end of the book and every bad thing possible that could happen did.

With everything that exploded at the end of this book, I am eager and impatient to get my hands on the next book to see what happens. I can only imagine how Tensley will react to certain…things. My heart hurt at the end of Body of the Crime. I need the next book ASAP, even though I have a feeling my heart will hurt a hell of a lot more before it mends.

I gave Body of the Crime 5/5 stars. You can add it on Goodreads here.


Tensley’s dark eyes turned to her. Eyes a dark, vivid night and he marched towards her, grasping her face into his large, powerful hands.

“Are you hurt?” Tensley asked when they were by themselves, his thumb skimming along her jaw down to her neckline.

“I’m fine, Tensley,” she whispered, squinting in the muted light. She caught his wrist and stroked it while he held her face still. She watched his vivid eyes, terrified, but fascinated by their darkness. “Are you okay? Your eyes are pitch-black. What’s wrong?” she asked, anxious.

He caught her eyes, that lethal stare making her stomach flip. “When we feel threatened, angry or…aroused…our eyes tend to turn black.

Her cheeks grew hot and she knew he could feel the warmth on his palms. Those dark, vivid eyes continued to watch her closely.

“All I can smell is my scent on you, and seeing how he just had his hands on you, how you weren’t protected—” Tensley hissed, a snarl escaping him. “I want you so bad I can’t think straight. I want to bite your ivory neck—deep, deep enough to mark. Deep enough to protect you and make you unconditionally mine. Do you want me to do that, Molly?” he asked, his voice breathless with need. His eyes turned feral, he was a predator. A beast. And he could no longer resist his prey. “Would you bare my mark, Molly? Are you ready to be mine?” he finished, his voice low and raw.

“Yes,” she answered, her breathing uneven. She was ready for the beast. She was ready for it all.

His mouth found hers and it was vicious, impatient. Molly dug her fingers into his shoulder blades, before sliding them up to tug on his thick mane of hair. That only stirred the beast within him, and he grasped her hips, pulling her flush against his muscular, powerful frame.

His hands palmed her rear and with a sudden growl, he lifted her up. She gasped, breathless in his strong hold, but he caught her mouth again and swallowed her breaths, leading them to a desk.

He paused, his chest warring against hers and she stared down at him, stroking his heated cheeks, those demon eyes penetrating hers.

“Not here, not like this,” he breathed out. “We’re leaving.” He placed her down, her legs heavy and weak, and he grasped her hand, taking them out of the room.

Molly stayed close, feeling the heat roll off Tensley’s skin from the beast inside him. When she kissed his forearm before they left the empty hallway, he threw her a lethal, dangerous look, one that warmed her belly with desire and the knowledge of what was about to happen.

He’s going to mark me.

Tensley weaved through the crowd, shouldering some to make sure Molly moved through untouched. One man looked at her and Tensley snarled at him; his beast had taken over, the demon side controlling him to defend her, to warn others off.

As they approached the front doors, Molly’s heart raced. So close to freedom, to being outside of his culture and being ininto his arms.

“Tensley,” a voice called when they were nearly out.

Tensley stalled, and Molly followed his gaze to see his father approaching. Mr. Knight turned his focus on Molly and raised his chin, sniffing once.

He followed that with a curt nod of approval, and Tensley kept his route out of the party, rushing them down the front steps.

His arm snaked around Molly’s waist as he waved down a car.

“You want the beast?” he whispered into her ear.


“Good. Because he needs you.”


R. ScarlettR. Scarlett lives in a small quaint town in Southern Ontario, Canada and has an unhealthy obsession with mythology and romance.

From studying English literature and minoring in History, she loves losing herself in a good book and snuggling up to her Brittany Spaniel. When she’s not writing or plotting a delicious novel, she can be found hanging out with friends and family, going on long car rides, exploring small towns, or watching reruns of Sex and the City.


More in the series!

Vein Of Love



Book Trailer Reveal: Till Death by Jennifer L. Armentrout

TillDeath pm c.JPGSYNOPSIS

In New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout’s gripping new novel, a young woman comes home to reclaim her life—even as a murderer plots to end it. . .

It’s been ten years since Sasha Keaton left her West Virginia hometown . . . since she escaped the twisted serial killer known as the Groom. Returning to help run her family inn means being whole again, except for one missing piece. The piece that falls into place when Sasha’s threatened—and FBI agent Cole Landis vows to protect her the way he couldn’t a decade ago.

First one woman disappears; then another, and all the while, disturbing calling cards are left for the sole survivor of the Groom’s reign of terror. Cole’s never forgiven himself for not being there when Sasha was taken, but he intends to make up for it now . . . because under the quirky sexiness Cole first fell for is a steely strength that only makes him love Sasha more.

But someone is watching. Waiting. And Sasha’s first mistake could be her last.






# 1 New York Times and International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard

at work writing. she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance.


Cover Reveal: Killing Cross by Anne Jolin

Title: Killing Cross (Rock Falls #6)

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense












Detective Colton Cross wasn’t supposed to be there,
but he was.
Avonly Ashworth wasn’t supposed to survive,
but she did.
The kidnapped aren’t supposed to love their captors,
but some do.
Sometimes love and duty aren’t enough and rescuing Ashworth might be the very thing that’s killing Cross.



Designer: Wicked by Design

Model: Hollis Chambers

Photographer: Scott Hoover



Chasing Rhodes, Book 1: FREE!





Choosing Henley, Book 2:





Breaking Bennett, Book 3:





Keeping King, Book 4:





Saving Steele, Book 5:







I was born and raised in Ladner, a small farm town just outside Vancouver, Canada.
I never expected to be an author. Writing was something that snuck up on me and rooted itself into my life. It was beautiful to discover that love, and I’m truly grateful to say I’ve found my passion.
If I could leave y’all with one thing, it’s that life’s far too short to not live it out loud. Drown in your passions, hold on tight to the things that inspire you, and chase your dreams relentlessly. I can promise you without a doubt that you won’t regret it. I know I don’t.

Mad love,

Anne Jolin


ARC Review: The Room Mate by Kendall Ryan

room mate_amazon.jpgSYNOPSIS

The last time I saw my best friend’s younger brother, he was a geek wearing braces. But when Cannon shows up to crash in my spare room, I get a swift reality check.

Now twenty-four, he’s broad shouldered and masculine, and so sinfully sexy, I want to climb him like the jungle gyms we used to enjoy. At six-foot- something with lean muscles hiding under his T-shirt, a deep sexy voice, and full lips that pull into a smirk when he studies me, he’s pure temptation.

Fresh out of a messy breakup, he doesn’t want any entanglements. But I can resist, right?

I’m holding strong until the third night of our new arrangement when we get drunk and he confesses his biggest secret of all: he’s cursed when it comes to sex. Apparently he’s a god in bed, and women instantly fall in love with him.

I’m calling bullshit. In fact, I’m going to prove him wrong, and if I rack up a few much-needed orgasms in the process, all the better.

There’s no way I’m going to fall in love with Cannon. But once we start…I realize betting against him may have been the biggest mistake of my life.


I was provided an e-ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.

The Room Mate was my first book by Kendall Ryan and I really enjoyed it. I think it was a great mix of funny, sexy, and emotional which made for an entertaining and quick read.

The characters were easy to like and to understand, and while I don’t think I really connected to Paige as much as I could have because of her age compared to mine, I did enjoy her story and most definitely shared her attraction to Cannon. A med student? A future doctor? Sign me the hell up. He was confident yet kind and incredibly respectful and I was so there for it. We need more male characters like this.

When I read the synopsis I was worried the age difference between Paige and Cannon would bother me, but I found it didn’t even matter while I was reading. He is mature and professional when it is necessary, which says a lot about his character. Definite book boyfriend material.

I did find the conflict of the story to be fairly juvenile for a new adult romance, and when it came to the make it or break it point in the story and Paige chose to let him go, I wanted to rage. For someone her age, I would have expected her to act differently.

While I might not have enjoyed every stop along the way to the happy ending, I did like how the story ended. I think it was realistic enough while still keeping with the romance, which is sometimes hard to find.

I gave The Room Mate 3/5 stars. You can add it on Goodreads here.




kendall-ryan-headshot-1-picA New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of more than two dozen titles, Kendall Ryan has sold over 1.5 million books and her books have been translated into several languages in countries around the world. She’s a traditionally published author with Simon & Schuster and Harper Collins UK, as well as an independently published author. Since she first began self-publishing in 2012, she’s appeared at #1 on Barnes & Noble and iBooks charts around the world. Her books have also appeared on the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists more than three dozen times. Ryan has been featured in such publications as USA Today, Newsweek, and InTouch Magazine.

Visit her at: for the latest book news, and fun extras.